The facility is able to provide instrumentation to take single particle cryo-EM projects from the initial screening stage through to data collection for high resolution structures, as well as infrastructure for tomography projects. We have three microscopes as well as equipment for sample preparation.
We are equipped with a 120kV Talos microscope with a Ceta camera. This microscope is ideal for screening of negative stain samples to address the viability of a sample.
Our 200kV Glacios microscope has a Falcon III camera. This microscope can accommodate up to 11 cryo-EM samples for screening and exploratory data collection. The Glacios is also available for high-resolution data collection where applicable.
We have a state-of-the-art 300kV FEI Titan Krios with both a Falcon III camera, and a Selectris energy filter with a Falcon IV camera. This microscope is prioritized for high-resolution, multi-day data collection. This is the preferred microscope for tomography workflows which benefit from the energy filter.
Sample Preparation
We have two Vitrobot Mark VI robots for sample vitrification. We also have a Solarus II plasma cleaner for grid preparation. Sample preparation equipment is located in a climate controlled low humidity room to minimise contamination of samples during preparation.